MARY STOLFA CANCER FOUNDATION named in Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's newly released 2012 Annual Report Executive Summary for contributions towards cancer research
The Stolfa Foundation's funding will support Dr. Nicholas Tonks' research at CSHL, which focuses on kinases and phosphatases - proteins that play an important role in many cellular processes. Mutations that alter the normal function of kinases and phosphatases lead to a number of human diseases, including cancer. Research results have shown that a phosphatase called PTP1B is involved in the development of breast cancer. Recently Dr. Tonks discovered that a drug that inhibits PTP1B and prevents metastasis in mouse models of HER2-positive breast cancer. He is currently working with clinicians to test this drug in an upcoming clinical trial in women HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. The Stolfa Foundation's funding will help bring this potential new drug to the clinic.
Mary Stolfa Keynote Speaker
Mary Stolfa asked to be the Keynote Speaker at Mercy Medical Center's "Cancer Survivor Day" on September 22, 2013.
Nassau County Office of the Executive presents Citation to Mary Stolfa Cancer Foundation for their 'BACK TO THE 80'S' fundraising event (October 11, 2012).
The Citation was presented to the MSCF in fitting recognition and heartfelt appreciation of the dedicated and exemplary service that the Stolfa Foundation has provided to cancer patients and their families.
Nassau County Acknowledges the "Mary Stolfa Cancer Foundation"
At the November 6, 2003 Fundraiser, Gerri Barrish, Cancer Liason for the Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi's office, presented a citation to the Stolfa Foundation for it's efforts. Also at the November 6, 2003 Fundraiser, Dr. Mark Baptiste, Director of Chronic Disease spoke on behalf of Governor George Pataki. He acknowledged the ongoing war against cancer and the Stolfa Foundation's crusade against the disease.
Mary Stolfa featured on New's 12's "At Issue".
October 2003, Anchor and Host of "At Issue", Lea Tyrrell, invited Mary Stolfa to discuss her story, the foundation she started, and it's many efforts.
Newsday features Mary Stolfa
In light of "Breast Cancer Awareness Month", Newsday featured Mary Stolfa in their "Life's Victories" Series.
Channel 12 Interviews Mary Stolfa
On another interview, Channel 12 News spoke with Mary Stolfa. She discussed her battle with cancer and how the Stolfa Foundation was formed.
ABC Television sponsors public service announcement for the "Mary Stolfa Cancer Foundation"
ABC Television sponsored a public service announcement to publicize the foundation and fundraiser it hosted to benefit breast cancer. The commercial ran through the month of October and was generously paid for by the ABC Network.
106.7 LIGHT FM Sponsors Public Service Announcement
106.7 LIGHT FM RADIO aired public service announcements proceeding the April 2, 2004 fundraiser to promote the "Vegas Night" fundraiser that turned out to be a tremendous success.
Once again Channel 12 Interviews Mary Stolfa regarding her upcoming event.
Channel 12 News', Eileen Lepamer once again interviews Mary Stolfa. This time regarding her upcoming event, "Second Annual Mr. America Pageant" that was scheduled for April 2005. The fundraiser was a great success and the Stolfa Foundation is grateful for Eileen and Channel 12 News' coverage on the event that raised thousands of dollars for cancer related issues.
Nassau County Acknowledges the "Mary Stolfa Cancer Foundation" for Second Annual Mr. America Pageant
Gerri Barrish, Cancer Liason for the Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi's office, once again presented the Stolfa Foundation with a Citation. At the Second Annual Mr. America Pageant Dinner/Dance, the Citation was presented to once again acknowledge the efforts of the foundation and what it has done regarding cancer related issues.
Nassau County Acknowledges the "Mary Stolfa Cancer Foundation" for Family Feud Dinner/Dance
Nassau County Executive, Thomas Suozzi, once again presented the Stolfa Foundation with a Citation. The award was to recognize the foundation's many efforts in the fight against cancer and it's generosity and compassion in helping the public.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center presents the Mary Stolfa Cancer Foundation a 'Certificate of Appreciation' Honored for the foundations outstanding leadership, commitment and support in the battle against cancer.
Nassau County Acknowledges the MSCF at their most recent October 28, 2010 Fundraiser
The Nassau County office of Ed Mangano acknowledged the Mary Stolfa Cancer Foundation at their October 28, 2010 'Hollywood Night' Fundraiser. The Stolfa Foundation was recognized for its dedicated and exemplary services provided to cancer patients and their families.
Mary Stolfa Interview - News 12 with Eileen Lehpamer (2003)
ABC Television Commercial for Mr. America Pageant I (2003)
Mary Stolfa Guest Appearance on "At Issue" with Leah Tyrell (2003)
Mary Stolfa Radio Interview with Charlie Pellett - Bloomberg News (2011)
Lawrence Eisenstein, M.D., Deputy Commissioner for the Nassau County Department of Health presented this Citation to the MSCF on behalf of Edward P. Mangano, County Executive at the foundation's October 20, 2011 fundraiser, "I Hope You Dance". The Citation acknowledges the work that the Stolfa Foundation has been committed to over the past 9 years since it's inception.